UTBB headquarters are in Bristol Bay, with an office in Dillingham and staff working virtually from Koliganek, Naknek, and Texas as well.
While we are based locally, we work on a state and national scale to inform policy decisions that are based on local knowledge, input and guidance. Led by an executive director that is hired by our Board of Directors, this team works tirelessly to advocate on behalf of our region, our people, and the sustainability of our salmon and our way of life.
Alannah Hurley
Executive Director
Alannah (Yup’ik) was born and raised in the Bristol Bay region. Originally from Clark's Point, she now resides in Dillingham. Alannah's passion lies in environmental justice and helping make self-determination a reality for Alaska’s indigenous people.
Delores Larson
Deputy Director
Delores’ Yup'ik name is Myuuraq. She was born in Dillingham and raised in Koliganek. Delores is a wife and mother of three. She lives a subsistence way of life and works to protect her lifestyle from large scale development in the Bristol Bay region. Delores was UTBB’s Community Engagement Director for about five years before stepping into the role of Deputy Director.
Sally Gumlickpuk
Operations Director
Sally is a life-long Bristol Bay resident, originally from New Stuyahok and now living in Dillingham. She raised her family on Bristol Bay’s subsistence resources, and wants to protect the land and water for the future.
Judy Jo Matson
Community Engagement Director
Judy Jo is a lifelong Kvichak setnetter who was raised and lives in Naknek. Salmon have been at the center of her life since childhood, and she is passionate about using her experiences in Tribal governance to protect them for the future of our culture, economy and subsistence lifestyle.
Shelley Cotton
Chief Strategy Director
Shelley (Yup’ik) was born and raised in Dillingham and spent summers at her family’s fish camp in Ekuk. She earned a Master of Science degree in Fisheries from UAF, an Associate in Risk Management, and has participated in the BBNC Training Without Walls (TWOW) program. Her passion is preserving salmon habitat and ensuring our people have resources to continue our ways of life indefinitely.
Gary Cline
Grants & Finance Manager
Gary (Yup’ik) is a subsistence and commercial fisherman who brings years of experience in fisheries, business, and advocating for our way of life. Gary is based in Dillingham, is a father to two children, and is dedicated to protecting our land and resources for future generations. Gary will work to ensure fiscal sustainability for our consortium, so UTBB can continue the work advancing a sustainable and thriving future for Bristol Bay.
Katirina Mowrer
Outreach Assistant Intern
Katirina (Yup’ik/Navajo) grew up learning the importance of land and its resources wherever she resides. Growing up with her father near the Navajo reservation and with her mother in Dillingham, Katirina has developed a deep understanding and connection to the land and its people. She plans to continue subsisting from the abundant land as well as engaging in any actions brought to protect and heal indigenous communities.
Danielle Aikins
Finance Director
Danielle is an honorary member of the Clarks Point Tribe and currently lives in Petersburg with her husband and daughter. She brings a wealth of finance and Tribal government administration to our team and she is deeply committed to preserving the subsistence way of life for future generations.