Make your voice heard.

Together, our voices can protect our lands, waters and way of life in Bristol Bay.


Sign a Letter Supporting Permanent Protections for Bristol Bay!

The threat of toxic large-scale hard rock mining will continue to loom over Bristol Bay until watershed-wide, permanent protections are secured for the entire Bristol Bay region.

While we've made great progress securing the EPA Clean Water Act protections to stop Pebble, the State of Alaska continues to challenge the EPA protections in court. These lawsuits and the over twenty active mining claims remaining in the Bristol Bay watershed, continue to threaten our pristine waters and wild salmon runs. The robust scientific, public, and legal record support the need for decision-makers to permanently protect this national treasure. Future generations should not have to face these continued threats to our ways of life.

It’s time for our decision-makers to take action to defend the Clean Water Act protections and stop all mines like Pebble throughout the Bristol Bay watershed.

Make your voice heard by signing the letter below and join us in asking decision-makers to protect Bristol Bay permanently. If the Take Action Letter does not load automatically click here.