Community Outreach Assistant Program Stresses Voting Importance and Community Engagement
In the fall of 2024, UTBB expanded our remote work program and hired 11 residents from across our region as Community Outreach Assistants (COAs). The program provided remote workforce training and an opportunity to improve community and civic engagement throughout Bristol Bay.
COAs assisted with the Bristol Bay Sustainability Summit (see page 3), executed a community project of their choice, and hosted voter education activities to ensure community members were prepared to vote in the general election. Some community service projects included revitalizing yuraq (Yup'ik dancing), documenting traditional knowledge and stories, a Veterans' honor celebration, and making traditional plant medicines.
2024 Community Outreach Assistants: Brenda King, Chignik Lake; Nia White, Dillingham; Brenda Romie, Ekwok; Brenda Hill, Iliamna/Newhalen; Tina Mann, Kokhanok; Chanice Johnson, Koliganek; Deanna Etuckmelra, Manokotak; Margie Hastings, New Stuyahok; Karla Jensen, Pedro Bay; Donna Shangin, Perryville; and Jada Nukwak, Togiak